In October 2020, the ACLU of Delaware and Community Legal Aid Society, Inc. reached a settlement with Governor John Carney in Delawareans for Educational Opportunity v. Carney. The agreement requires the Governor to seek legislation bringing new financial committments and structural changes to the way that Delaware serves disadvantaged students.

Senate Bill 56 codifies the Opportunity Fund: additional funding for public schools to support the needs of low-income and English learner students. SB 56 meets a key requirement of last year's settlement, requiring that Opportunity Funds are to increase to at least $60 million annually by the 2024-25 school year, and will increase with student growth in every subsequent year.


Sen. Laura Sturgeon (SD 4), Sen. Elizabeth "Tizzy" Lockman (SD 3), Rep. Kimberly Williams (RD 19), Rep. Nnamdi Chukwuocha (RD 1)


Signed by Governor


151st General Assembly

Bill number

