The right to vote, and to have one’s vote accurately and fairly counted, is a fundamental right of all American citizens — and one that underpins the rest of our civil liberties.
That’s why we are pushing back against attacks on voting rights by launching Every Vote Counts, a multi-year effort to amend Delaware's constitution, bring our state into the 21st century, and ensure Delaware becomes a beacon of democracy and strong voter engagement.
The campaign aims to:
- Restore voting rights after felony incarceration,
- Protect and expand early in-person and vote-by-mail, and
- Implement same-day voter registration.
Get Involved
EVC Campaign Training: Delaware City
All attendees will receive in-depth training on campaign tactics and learn more about opportunities to take action alongside other campaign volunteers and voting rights advocates committed to advancing democracy in our state.
Wednesday, October 2, from 6:30 – 8 p.m. at the Delaware City Public Library
Register Now
EVC Campaign Training: Hockessin
All attendees will receive in-depth training on campaign tactics and learn more about opportunities to take action alongside other campaign volunteers and voting rights advocates committed to advancing democracy in our state.
Wednesday, October 9, from 6:30 – 8 p.m. at the Hockessin Public Library
Peace Week Delaware: Mobilizing Delaware Voters
Join the EVC campaign at this year's Peace Week Delaware, an annual week of free nonpartisan events to promote harmony, equity and justice in our community. Hosted in partnership with the League of Women Voters Delaware the Poor People's Campaign Delaware.
Thursday, October 24, from 7 – 8:30 p.m. at the Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew (SsAM)
Become a Campaign Volunteer
We can't do this without you. Submit this form and a staff member will be in touch with volunteer opportunities and other ways you can get involved in the fight to expand voting rights in Delaware.
Help Fund the Fight
This vital work depends on your support. Donate now to help expand voting rights in Delaware.
Our Partners
The ACLU of Delaware is proud to partner with the Delaware Voting Rights Coalition (DVRC) — Delaware's first statewide coalition of voting rights organizations and advocates. The DVRC empowers communities, especially communities of color, people who speak English as a second language, people involved in the justice system, people with disabilities, and young people, to identify and remedy barriers to the ballot box. The coalition is ready to work with legislators, local election officials, and the Department of Elections to make these reform recommendations a reality.